9/11 would have never happened if Gore had assumed office as he was legally, morally and ethically the winner in 2000WMD was a false warrant from origins as junior replied justice did not matter when serving a false warrant procession !Bush should be hung for war crimes, anything Saddam did pales in comparison to the 1.5 million already dead and millions more Iraqis injuredWar!What is it good for?Nothing,except proffits for companies like halliburton.Oil baby. It's all about the oil. Faux Newz? They're an entertainment company, specializing in selling War. War as Entertainment. That's in very good taste, isn't it?"The toppling of Saddam Hussein's statue is perhaps the most recognizable image of the Iraq war."
Not true. Want to know what was the most recognizable moment of the war? The US "mistakenly" bombing the wrong buildings. The live footage of that still haunts me. Over 1 million Iraqis dead--most civilians.Why did junior Bush not name his Iraqi war oath pledge Desertstorm # 2,,,in 2000 memoirs ???
feeamanellaahWhy did we invade there again? I forgot what the Bush Adminstration gave as a reason.I get SO tired of seeing these little truths leak out now. Too little, too late. We weaseled our way into a war with easy prey, we captured Saddam Hussein, orchestrated his execution, toppled his statue.....all done with cooperation of our media. No surprise. Now if we can just weasel our way out of the war and savor something we can call a victory or I'm afraid we're going to catch hell for many scores to come.
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