Before youre hero Reagan the usa was the biggest creditor in the world, after him we were the biggest debtor."
Most of the Reagan deficit went to funding the Cold War, which we run.
Reagan also had to battle a free spending Democrat Congress.the bucks stops with the president, maybe it was the weapons he was giving known terrorist!As a member of the US Army I am embarrased to see other soldiers who follow Bush and his atrocities blindly because the Republicans give us pay raises and buy us more and more weapons. It is the equivalent of giving a dog a treat but kicking him in the @#$% everytime you give him one. I would give every penny of every pay raise to bring back the soldiers who have died for their lies, and so would their children, mothers, wives and husbands. Bush and his cronies will pay for what they have done either here or in hell. I sure hope it starts here.YOU'RE GOING TO DO WHAT?.... exclaimed George H.W. Bush when he found out Chimpface wanted to be President.
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