Sunday, January 30, 2011

Boeing has used the same courts to gain advantage for themselves now everyone in the US is crying fowl when the possibility of a judgment is to go the other direction. WOW what a surprise! What is even worse is that the people of the US have been screwed for years by the "Military Complex" and are happy for the "bareback experience". Much needed billions paid to keep this country safe on many many times faulty information--Weapons of mass destruction comes to mind and that isn't even the most recent..... Get ready for a USA that has less and less influence on the world. Remember it takes money to buy friends and we are quickly running out--and it is NOT just Obama's fault!I work for an aerospace company that makes parts for Boeing, Black Hawk and other companies. Boeing gets public welfare while posting enormous profits – welfare money that comes directly out our checks weekly. The aerospace manufacturing company that makes the parts for Boeing is a Fortune 500 company - with targeted sales reaching millions quarterly. They ALSO get taxpayer sponsored welfare checks, forcibly paid for by us, while we work for next to minimum wage, in bad conditions that are hazardous to our health - no health insurance, nothing. In effect, every weekly check that we earn is deducted 25% to give back to this aerospace industry, and every other huge corporation, corrupt foreign governments and fat, lardy politicians working hard to grow their nest egg larger than earth. It is not a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Nor is it a government of, by or even for politicians. It is a government of the large corporations, by the large corporations and for the large corporations – who bought the world’s leaders and politicians - and I deeply fear they will not perish from the earth.

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