Friday, January 28, 2011

Dubya should be in prison for lying us into a fake war!Worst. President. Ever.

Didn't prevent 9/11. Didn't catch Bin Laden. Didn't prevent worst economic crisis in 80 years. Didn't see the writing on the wall, time after time. Didn't even write his own book. But he did send more Americans to their death than terrorists did on 9/11.

Worst. President. Ever.I think he is #3, behind James Buchanan who did nothing to stop the Civil War, and Hoover, who we all know just let the market destroy itself and did basically nothing. Lucky for all of us, Bush just ran out of time or he could have been #1.Bush still thinks he did a good job. Does anyone with a brain think he was a good president? He was not only an abysmally awful president; he's a pretty lousy human being too. He, Rove, and Cheney should all be behind bars for what they did to America and the world. But the majority of Americans elected him twice. And what does that say about Americans?no he had the election stolen for him (no recount)there used to be a requirement that a person knew how to read and write to vote. black box electronic voting fixed dat!

jus' push de button wit de face you likes!

This enabled w's fans to get him into office.

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