Saturday, January 29, 2011

If it's a veritable drop, then they should get along just fine without it. Having Israel as an allie has made the Moslems our enemy. Where's the benefit?America First!
AIPAC last!
America First!
AIPAC last!
America First!
AIPAC last!
America First!
AIPAC last!Check out Wolf Blitzer, former AIPAC lieutenant, on CNN. He's sweating bullets over the Egyptian situation. Get this zionist off the air!Rand, good luck with getting this accomplished through our AIPAC-controlled, Congress.Yes! We Amer-I-Cans are finally getting it and becoming aware. Like George Washington said,we must avoid foreign entanglements.

Lots of love to all of you America Firsters out there . Thank you for taking a stand at home, work, school, in public and sharing the truth with your fellow Americans.

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