LISTEN TO ME AS HARD AS YOU CAN. This man was a GW Bush aide that held high chairs for both of his terms in office. He was killed because of what he knows about Mossad's (Israel) involvement in 9/11. He also could have been used as a tool against the Democrats in the 2012 election because of what he knows about the Bush and the republican party. Ever wonder why was Bill Clinton impeached? It wasn't because of his sexual triste in the office. It was to lose confidence in the Democratic Party and pave the way for the Righteous Republicans. Remember the whole "abstinence" program? What did that ride on the coat tails of? The impeachment of Bill Clinton and his "lecherous" behavior. Its all SOCIAL CONDITIONING, to influence the public's mind set and allow the government to herd us where ever they want us to go.This should happen to all the US military traitors.
Leaving the border invaded by millions while they loot the treasury so the Vice President of Afghanistan can vacation in Dubai with 52 MILLION US taxpayer dollars.
Good riddance.
One down, several million more to go.Let's not disrespect a Republican military gangster who got waxed,
the way they disrespected the wanton butchery of a million Iraqis,
And squandered a trillion bankrupting dollars for their anti-American atrocities there.
Republican, hypocritical political 'correctness'.
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