Sunday, January 2, 2011

Look man ,they are printing trillions of dollars from thin air,pumping it in banks and places,their is now a mixture of real money with this fake money they are printing,if you are staying in the usa your safe,the minute you go abroad,you better not take dollars with you,they will be close to worthless,this will happen in 2011 Chet - where did you gain your understanding of currency valuation from? It must have been an over the internet training course because you are living in fantasy land. Metals are rallying because fiat currencies are declining and this is a trend that will only get worse as deficits and national debts grow, forcing the FED to print more and more dollars to monatize the US debt. It is unsubstainable and gold and silver should be purchased to protect your assets. The Chinese are cashing out of US bonds and buying metals with the money and they aren't dumb.

Replies (2) we're in for terrible inflation AND the devaluation of the dollar. The "Fed" can't just keep printing money with no consequences......Why the heck would we support the European economy with our money, when we don't want to support our own economy with our money. If we have to rein in our spending, let's start with foreign aid. We give millions, probably billions, of dollars to Isreal; we can save money by stopping and make friends in the middle east. It would be a win win situation for us.

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