Friday, January 28, 2011

The rich get richer, the rest of us don't count, this is a true statement for America also, they should listen, when will we see jobs created, buy those who got the tax breaks at the top, we were told by the gop those at the top were going to create jobs, because we know the money at the top will trickle down just as it always has, as we fight over scraps, The dow is almost up to 12 after less than 20 months up from 9. i wonder if all of those who invested and lost most of their money got anything back, the people will never broke like working poor, or the shrinking middle class.mabe those in power should indited for bridges to no were, in civil action to recoup the monies we are cheated out of. how do you like them now, and all of the cuts will come at the middle class and working poor, and someday this might be us in the streets?The struggle for survival and equal opportunity in many parts of the world is quite stark and bewildering to many of us who are shielded from this reality. The United States hands over billions of dollars in economic and military assistance to Egypt each year--which began many years ago under Anwar Sadat to buy peace with Israel. It was felt then by our State Department that if we could make Egypt military and economically secure, there would be less chance of war and conflict with Israel.

That has worked to some degree. However, we did not fully appreciate how our aid and stimulus would be used to help only the upper 5% of that society nor did we appreciate how repressive the Egyptian government would become to maintain power to siphon those benefits from the U.S. We have no sense of what that government does to control its people. We only hear about Egypt as one of our "allies" for peace in the Middle East.

Egypt's government is fully aware of the brutal and repressive tactics employed by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people, but it has largely looked the other way because it sits in relative comfort. The recent overthrow of a dictator in Tunisia has given some hope to the people of Egypt that change is possible, but in this cauldron of Middle Eastern politics and religion, it is never a certain outcome as to what that country will get as a new government should there be a change.

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