A soldier is trained properly on the laws of war. A soldier who murders someone is no longer a soldier and gives the rest of us a bad image. Soldier's know what is right and wrong. War is not an excuse to murder people and if he is found guilty, he should be judged to fit the crime. Nobody should be above the law just because they wear a uniform.Only the Republicans support this killer and war criminal. But that's not shocking, they also supported Bush, another noted Killer and war criminalthey'll take anyone and hand them a gun. they are so desprerate to fill their quota's they enlist violent felons and are now accepting green card holders. there is no future on the streets of ameerika for blue collar workers so the military is the answer. everyone seems to think its the only solution to poverty and unemployment, doing nothing but drinking, smoking pot and hanging out all the time.The American I am wants to look the other way... but the American sence of Justice in me says that I cannot look the other way...
These men need to be prosecuted... else what do we really stand for???
Afghanies, or not....They were innocent victoms of murder.
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