Friday, January 28, 2011

Support the U.S. Constitution, not the Zionist Rothschilds of London! NO MORE FIAT CURRENCY! NO MORE AID TO THE RED SHIELD STATE OF ISRAHELL! the White House and your "representatives"

Letter to Obama:

I was a supporter of your Presidency, but I am now very disillusioned. Your kid

glove handling of Israel is costing us blood and treasure.

Thousands of America's sons have died for Israeli interests and hundreds of billions

of dollars (trillions!?!?)of American taxpayers money wasted while the American

middle class suffers. This has to STOP!!! It's a disgraceful state of affairs and

I'm ashamed of my government!

Stop Israeli land grabbing, ethnic cleansing and terror!!! End Israeli influence in

our government..Stop AIPAC..Get AIPAC out of our politicians pockets.

And while I'm discussing excessive and intrusive zionist policy..the Global Anti-

Semitism Review Act is a pernicious slippery slope to muzzle and criminalize

legitimate criticism of anything Jewish..Zionist or Israeli. Repeal it!!!

Americans, via the internet, are becoming more and more aware of Israeli political

treachery and brutality towards the Palestinians. Via the internet, because we know

who monopolizes the news media.

We are sick and tired of Americans suffering the enmity and retribution of 1.5

billion Muslims for Israel's sins.

If you want to be the President of the United States of America after this term of

office you'd better stop acting like the President of the United States of Israel!

Vote Independent because the Democrats and Republicans are in bed with Israel and

AIPAC money!

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