Monday, January 31, 2011

this country is on its way to being third world or one world order if companys continue to move overseas what else is one to believe the direction its in right now our own people have turned their backs on us for the love of money14 TRILLION in US Debt most from irresponsible US Government spending
The British are back and its the US Government/AKA/Republicans and Democrats.
Federalism has failed for the last time
And now the US Military will weaken from a collapsing dollar
They deserve it
They are supposed to protect the US Constitution but have allowed the US Government
to gut it of any significance. Now they allow the bailouts using the commerce clause
to destroy this once powerful nation. Keeping us safe? Hardly. They are the sleeping farmer
while the US Government is the Fox in the Hen house.
Bye US
Rev 19 18

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