Saturday, January 29, 2011

The unrest of the Arab peoples with their oppressive US-supported governments suggests that they seek control of their own nations. This is of course anathema to US business/oil interests and highlights the Big Bush Lie about bringing democracy to the Middle East. Watch the US-CIA support the monarchs and dictators.It is heartbreaking to see these people idle for no jobs;their cry of pain and hunger is so unberable in this land of plenty.Uncle Sam spends tons of money for foreign aid or fighting war in a remote foreign land but fails to provide decent meals for its needy citizens herelit makes you wonder there is somthing very wrong with this Govt and system.YOU!! THE PEOPLE!! THOSE OF YOU, WHO "POST" ON THE INTERNET--ARE YOU ALL SO INSULATED--THAT YOU ARE NOT "SEEING", THE "REAL", AMERICA!! MY GOD!! GET OUT OF YOUR "COCOON", READ & LISTEN TO THE NEWS!! YOU TALK ABOUT "LAZY" PEOPLE!! THERE ARE MILLIONS OF AMERICANS--WITH NO CASH!! NO GROCERIES,, IT IS WINTER, NO MONEY!! NO HEAT!! ARE YOU COMFORTABLE? WE ARE BURNING WOOD, IN OUR 'FANCY' FIREPLACE, & SLEEPING IN OUR LIVING ROOM!! WE WORK!! HOW DARE YOU JUDGE YOUR FELLOWS!! YOU SEE EGYPT? GUESS WHAT!! IF OUR "FELLOW AMERICANS" DON'T GET MONEY--YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' YET!! I AM 58 & I WILL JOIN THEM!! EITHER GIVE THEM MONEY, TO PAY THEIR BILLS & BUY GROCERIES, OR GET INTO A SAFE PLACE, COZ THEY WILL TAKE WHAT THEY NEED, TO SURVIVE!!

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