Thursday, February 24, 2011

Americans are obsessed with Islam and muslims .all because of bush. Before him, we didn't have a problem with 'em, and we sure like their oils.James, a history buff. I'm not Muslim, but I know a lot of World history. I majored in it. This is regarding your comment on Islam. Actually, you'll be surprise which religion is responsible for more death and human suffering.

1. Nazi Germany was 90% Christian, specifically, Lutheran and Catholic when they destroyed 6,000,000 Jews. All those Nazis were raised as Christians.

2. The conquest and colonization of the Americas is probably the greatest genocide in human history. Most historians believe that there were 50 million Native Americans in the Americas before Columbus arrive.

3. The North Atlantic Slave Trade resulted in one third of slave dying in the middle passage.

4. The Crusades and the Inquisition. The Spanish inquisitions is the most famous one but many other Europeans Christan states initiated these violent and bloody events. The crusades launched by Christians against the Muslims World in the Middle East. I'll believe more than a million parish in 9 crusades.

5. WWI and WWII European theatre were mainly fought between people of Christian descent killing themselves on an unimaginable scale.

And all these awful things were done by good Christians.

It's easy to blame a whole religion and people for the crimes of an extreme minority and yet ignore our own history.

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