Saturday, February 26, 2011

David, thank you so much for educating the ignorant on how the oil market operates. But the ignorance cuts across party lines as both say the dumbest things concerning energy independence.Good point, in fact to have "American oil and gas" we would have to nationalize the companies and take our product off the world market. Not very likely to happen.So much for our big troop presence, we can't even keep Iraq's citizen under control. How about we just come home, rebuild our failing country, and get out of everybody's elses business, and take care of our own back yard.Fantastic! Look for gas to be at 4 bucks a gallon in a week, or less. There's a really, REALLY simple solution to all this nonsense. Convert all 18 wheelers, buses and fleet vehicles to natural gas. Drill here! Build some nuclear plants. Problem solved! It's so simple it's makes you think there's some conspiracy behind not doing it.And the answer is yes. Texas/Saudi oil thieves, the military industrial complex, along with our bought politicians, are keeping us from doing what you mentioned.Thank you they will use this as an excuse to raise the prices higher.And we we still suffer from the Chaney/Bush years! Thanks. Look you people still put the Republicans back in office. Its all about GREED! Would this be going on if we would of just gone after the leader behind 9/11. I think not. Wisconsin is proof the Republicans are self serving, greedy,liars and most of all they can't do math. (War + Corporate Tax Cuts+ Income Tax cuts= Debt)

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