Defence and veteran affairs depts are the two largest drain items on US budget cus' even a Republican current secretary of defence Bob Gates said, quote: "the Pentagon has a culture of unlimited spending since the WW2!" Bring troops home and build America's economy, education and infrastructure to compete in the new global economy, not war, America!!!! Would this order for an absurd amount of aerial refueling tankers have anything to do with President Eisenhower's warning the American people about an out-of-control military/industrial complex? (and then JFK's subsequent assassination?)
Better keep an eye on the Pentagon's books. Rumsfeld claimed that there was 2.3 trillion dollars missing on 9/10/2001. It never has been found. Trillions more have been wasted since then...
Replies (1) More Corporate welfare while the masses attack one another over pennies (in the grand scheme of our national budget). United We Stand, Divided We Fall and sadly, the ultra-rich have learned to keep the masses divided so the wealth continues to flow to them.
The Tea Party could have a valid place IF they stand against the pillaging from those who fund their movement. I am a Liberal and am saddened at how the Koch Bros. are able to manipulate the people to go against their own best interest with such ease. A few media outlets to broadcast their agenda and toss out a few catchy phrases and the uneducated are ready to destroy their neighbors. /sigh!
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