Monday, February 7, 2011

Did anyone notice the news blip about Exxon's fourth quarter profits for 2010 95.2 BILLION dollars PROFIT!!! Now ask again about what all the wars are really about! Any kind of "disturbance" raises the profit margins. So all you good Muslims, Jews and Christians, keep right killing each other and making the oil companies RICH,RICH.RICH!!!!!!!!!! god bless America.We need alternative energy before there is a CRISIS, and we're already in it. Like it or not OIL controls the U.S., and as long as we NEED to consume... other countries will OWN the U.S. BIG OIL wants you to be addicted to OIL, that's why the HUMMER and SUV'S came along. Prices will rise even more when oil gets depleted, and we're almost there, then what???? The crisis is coming, and no one knows the solution! When the crisis comes you won't be able to get food, either. You best prepare yourselves as OIL is polluting our environment! ENOUGH ...STOP THE MADNESS.,Saddam, was our friend people,,,if the nice man could have held on to Kuwait,,,Gasoline would be around or under $1.00 a gallon,,,,,important thing about Iraq War was just to shut Iraq Oil down,,,no one could compete with a high grade crude that basically just oozes up out of sand,,,,,,not even OPEC,,,,Bush family and freinds,,,,,are not our friends,,nor did they have the interest of the people in their own country on concern,,,,,,,,

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