I have lived in the USA and Greece alike and I can say that Greece is a very nice country with nice people that is part of the economic system that now is collapsing. Greeks are aware of this reality but I am not sure if Americans are. The news in the USA present a different picture of world economy than in Europe and Americans look down at Greece but they have much worse economy and much more poverty than Greece. The Greek economy is not socialist, all the European continent has a mix of market and social economy and Greece does the same. The way some bloggers comment on Greece shows that they have never traveled to Greece and know very little about it perhaps based on yahoo
and FOXExcellent comment!
I lived many years in Europe, in several countries, and I have noticed over the years just how ignorant the American public is concerning other countreis. And of course, this label "socialism" applied to anything "left" of Barry Goldwater.
All I can say is, don't waste too much of your precious time on yahoo. There are perhaps other forums where you can find people willing to engage in real discussion. Here one soon tires of the rantings, or grows angry, and runs the risk of descending to that level. One service one can perform to one's fellow readers here is, where one can, offer a link to an informed article of blog.
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