Monday, February 28, 2011

If I could borrow a trillion dollars and pay 1% interest that I could let you use for 7 to 9%. I'd make quite a bit on a trillion with the difference in percentage rates. Borrow all you can and let us pay back at 7 to 9% every time the money passes hands on the way back to me. Someone is making money. Congress couldn't do it for they passed it over to the Federal Reserve in 1913. Our congress needs to eliminate the Federal Reserve and print their own money like before 1913.When I go to borrow money, I have to plead my need. When our Government goes to borrow money, they plead our need. When the Federal Reserves needs money, they just print it and charge us a fee to borrow at a low interest rate and says here you go. The Government paid a small interest for a large amount that they are gonna give out for the people to use and charge a much higher interest for the money to supply your need which is collected as a sales tax or any other type of tax to circulate over and over til we need to borrow more money cause we just can't get enough of it. Seems like someone is making money someplace. Any IDEAS ???????If the Federal Reserve would charge 25% interest, would we still want the money? They are begging us to take the money with such low interest rates. If I could only find me a loan company that was that desperate to get rid of their money and charge very little interest, I'd load up on money too. The finance company here will loan you $500 and you pay back $95.00 a month for 7 months. Very interesting!!!!!!!!

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