Monday, February 28, 2011

in america we also have "royals" they just call them "corporations" .... and they get the welfare just the same. they cry they are going bankrupt to get the welfare and instead its just a raise.I fell on hard times and tried to work something out. I got nowhere and after 8 months I gave up trying to deal with my mortgage bank. Doing what the Saudis did sounds real good to me. Borrow from the banks and never give it back. Heck I bought my home in 1986 and I have paid them back way more in interest than the property was worth so I think they should be happy with that and leave me alone. The house is mine.Oh, so that's where OUR politicians learned it from. Thanks again WikiLeaks!When I was in college in the 1970s and 1980s, Saudi students got full tuition paid by their government, plus books, PLUS an apartment, PLUS a car if they wanted one, PLUS $40,000 a year to live on. They had plenty of American girlfriends.

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