Monday, February 28, 2011

no different than what the government is doing in USA with 44 million people on food stamps and 99 weeks of unemployment!!!!!!! And all the low life's on section 8 and all the hand outs to the illegal mexicans!!!!This is one of our closest allies. LOL they're great friends of the bush family. LOL my oh my how we can't understand why the Muslim world hates us. Maybe we need to pick better friends and allies.He idiot, it started with FDR. He made the original deals with the Saudis to protect the oil supplies for the entire world. Last thing they need is for a Hitler or Bin Laden type to hold the planet hostage. AND we are still waiting for that "FREE" oil we supposedly went to war in Iraq for. Nowhere to be seen eh?What you conveniently choose to ignore is Saudi wealth that sits in US Banks which allow these banks to lend money to people like you and help finance businesses in the US. Saudi money buys US weapons, US businesses, including Shares in major Oil Companies I daresay even hire people like you and maybe some of your friends.

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