Monday, February 7, 2011

the only country in the world that could possibly pose a threat to Canada is the United States, so are we talkin Protection? like from the mob?even worst for the very poor
corn price is much higher due to corn used in making ethanol
if you want to know why very few people in the world like the US
there are many more reasons other than warcorn ethanol is the worst idea in the history of renewable energy
it takes more energy to produce ethanol from corn then the gas it produecs
sugar cane ethanol is the way to go
the US has a big tarriff on ethanol so there is no competition for corn based ethanol
and the us law say you must have s certain % of ethanol in gas sold
you want to know why the world laugh at the US when they complain about trade
there are many many situations like this that the world is laughingfor most trading treaties that us wants the biggest problem is us's subsidy for farmers
that makes us food prices low and put many poor farmers in other countries out of business
the other is mad cow desease
US is the only country in the world that export cows that is old
all other countries only accept young cows for the fear of mad cow desease
that is also the main problem with doha accord

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