Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Some facts about 9/11:

1) Three buildings, one of which wasn't even hit by a plane (building 7), fell into their own footprint at freefall speed as if professionally demolished.
2) Evidence of nano-thermite (indicating demolition was involved) was found on the site (this was
not included in the 9/11 Commission Report). You might want to check out the website, "Architects
and Engineers for 9/11 Truth."
3) Numerous witnesses heard explosions in the buildings prior to them being hit by a plane.
4) An enormous amount of put options were placed on United and American Airlines days before 9/11.
How did certain individuals (including former Executive Director of the CIA Buzzy Krongard) know
that the stocks of only these 2 airlines would plummet?
5) Bin Laden's family had business ties with Bush Jr. and Sr. via defense contractor the Carlyle Group. Bush Jr. and Sr. used to vacation with the Bin Ladens.
6) Bin Laden's family was flown out of the U.S. the day after 9/11 while there was a nation-wide
flight ban. There is FBI documentation regarding this.
7) Numerous terrorist exercises coincidentally took place on the day of 9/11 which confused
8) Marvin Bush (George's brother) was in charge of security for the WTC and lifted a heightened
security alert days before 9/11.
10) Some of the supposed "terrorists" were trained in U.S. military facilities. Yes, this was on
the news as well. Several of them later turned up alive.
11) Bin Laden initially denied involvment in 9/11. Later, a video came out which was obviously not Bin Laden in which he claimed responsibility. Since then, several alleged audio tapes of Bin laden have surfaced to keep up the fear factor.
12) Al Qaeda was a group of Mujahideen that the CIA (along with the Pakistani ISI, British MI6 and
the Saudis) funded and trained to fight the Soviets in the 80's. Per former FBI translator Sibel
Edmonds, Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset right up until the day of 9/11. There was a gag order on
her for many years and her testimony was omitted from the 9/11 Commission Report.
13) Our Constitutional rights have been eviscerated since 9/11. Warrantless wire-taps, illegal
search and seizure, eavesdropping on your emails and online chats, the end of Posse Comitatus, the Federalizing of police, etc. If YOU are deemed a terrorist, your right of habeus corpus is gone and
you can be detained for years without any proof. In 2007, Bush signed "The National Security and
Homeland Security Presidential Directive," which, in the event of a "national emergency," gives the
president absolute dictatorial power without congressional approval.
If our government is so concerned about our security, why is our southern border a war zone? Your
children and granny are irradiated or sexually molested by the TSA but we can't keep Mexican drug gangs out of the country? THINK PEOPLE. Soon, all Walmart shoppers will be encouraged to spy on their neighbors, East German style, via Big Sis Napolitano's coming check-out counter video.
14) In 2000, the neo-con think tank, Project for a New American Century stated in a report,
"Rebuidling America's Defenses" on page 51 that a "new Pearl Harbor" event was needed to get the
public to accept increased war expenditures and adventures.
15) Per Fox news, CBS, etc., Anwar Al-Awlaki, top Al Qaeda leader and 9/11 mastermind, also tied to the Fort Hood shooter, the underwear bomber and the times square bomber, had dinner at the Pentagon a few months after 9/11.
16) The only ones who have profited from the wars have been the international banksters and defense contractors. Opium production has skyrocketed since 9/11 - our soldiers guard the poppy fields.

Just the tip of the iceberg folks. Don't believe me, research it all for yourselves.

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