Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some of you need to learn the difference between Israel and Judea, Israelis, and Jews, and Israelites, and Judeans, and Jews and Judeans ... before you flap your gums

Shoot. Most of you don't even know that Arabs are Semitic people and to talk against them is anti-Semitic as well.America....when does it end? We are giving 3 billion dollars a year to Israel - to kill muslims. Not only do these filthy jews want to snort your tax dollars up with their hook noses but they also want your blood in the name of Israel....

Think of what we could do with that money in the good USFolks....new economic reports have come out citing 86% of Goldman Sachs trades were of synthetic securities during the years of 2006-2008 - fake securities - ie credit default swaps - collateral on top of collateral on top of collateral - so on and so forth - jew bets that put this economy in the toilet.

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