Such a "DUMMY", this idiot:
Asked about the Obama administration's approach to counterterrorism following then-candidate Obama's heavy criticism of the Bush administration, Rumsfeld said, "I do think they were wrong in attacking the Bush administration structures which have kept this country safe" over the last 10 years.
So, Rummy...what about the following years...just how many young Americans have lost their lives, destroyed their mental/physical/family lives just because of your stupid decisions...?
Do you really think Bush 43, Cheney, Rove, you, and a hand full of 'Bushies' should not be held unaccountable for any and all actions related to the total destruction of thousands upon thousands of human lives...?
It is my view, all of you, each and every individual is no less accessible to a full and complete prosecution of war crimes against humanity than any of those committed and carried forward by all German/Japanese/Italy terrorists during any previous/prior war of and against these United States of America and her citizen/defenders.
If there ever was a demonstration of domestic terrorism, these are all guilty of same...why?, for the soul satisfaction of self-enrichment of finance...,be damned lives sacrificed for "my" gain, as long is there is no 'loss' of me or any of my 'family'.
Since day one, it has been the responsibility to feed and favor big business, Capital America, Corporate America, Corrupt America, to never entertain the needs of the hourly/basic American dream.
Because there is no $$$ in the basic American Dream, only in the conflagration of Corporate/Corrupt America's donations, it's alcoholic back-slapping 'good-ol-boy' 'give me/give you' $$$ & republican lies that prosper the Republican Party, never truth, honesty, respect.
Gees...when was the last time any Republican can remember any ethics committee offering a favorable report...on any entity offered at any time...?
Nixon/DeLay/Cheney/Newt/Bush43/Rumsfeld/Rove/Agnew/Mitchell/Quayle/Palin/McCain/Tea Party/McConnell/Boehner/DeMint/Joe Wilson/Sessions/Bachmann/Tea Party...etc..
A family of whining sniveling third grade expelled school yard bullies/losers.
So goes the Republican Party, a party of greed, theft, corruption, graft, deception, lies, manipulation, in church one day a week for sin the other six days a week for profit.
"It's no longer the 'Grand Old Party', GOP.
Today it's 'Gang Of Prostitutes', GOP,any thing for a vote/$$$."
Posted by: Nipit | February 22, 2011 3:38 PM | Report abuse
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