And, I guess paying for 2 wars didn't cause any part of the national debt... right?
Actually, Obama CUT taxes! (Just as he said he would in the campaign.) And, actually MOST of the national debt over the past decade was due to wars overseas.
Bush was the first president in HISTORY to cut taxes DURING a WAR! Every other president did the responsible thing during wartime which is to raise taxes to pay for our extra military spending. But, Bush borrow all of it! Then, he borrowed more to give out as tax refund checks to the wealthy. (Cheney got like a 100k a year in refunds under Bush).
And, THAT is the TRUTH behind how our gov't debt got so huge so quick!
Much of Obama's "debt" was investment in new highways, etc. There are new ARRA highway projects everywhere you look now. Bush on the other hand spend all his debt on making big craters in the sand bombing Iraq. Where's the benefit from those trillions? He might as well have just spent it all on a big party for his friends. (Oh yeah, he did that too... $9 billion to Halliburton, $3 bil to Blackwater, etc.)
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