Thursday, March 31, 2011

Avenge the 1980's killings?? The US killed over a hundred libyans for that bomb planted in the disco. Why not kill some more Italians for the US troops they killed in the 1940's??? These are really stupid people writing these articles!!!LIBYAN GOVERNMENT IS WINNING OVER REBELS

What the West doesn't seem to understand is Gadhafi needs us. His
country is small and until recently was isolated form the world. He
worked out official diplomatic agreements with President G.W. Bush
and an European Governmental Head who signed off Libya of their
"terror state" lists after installment payments of $2.7 Billion dollars
compensation for the victims of the bombings. Libya has been helping
Western Endowments, Boy Scouts, Arts and Education benefited from
This recent friend of the West. So if our last Administration embraced
him, why is the present U.S. administration, flip flopping?

Libya had real democratic reforms in the works, their process was slow
but progressive. These rebels did not want to wait. We should not turn
our backs on our friend as other governments will see this for what it is:
To appease the West, you will be abandoned and betrayed, is that the
message you want to give the world community? P.M Tony Blair visited
Libya and so did U.S. Sec of State, C. Rice who saw first hand the progressive
reforms and made favorable reports under the last U.S. Administration.Gadhafi
has fought against Al Queda, from its very beginning and joined in the War
on Terror from the start.
NOW is the time; We could offer medical help, food aid, or other humanitarian aid
to the Libyan Government in Tripoli on the condition of more rapid democratic

The rebels are NOT democratic. They don't even know what that is.
The rebels have elements who are in fact Al Queda, who fought the U.N.
forces in Iraq.

EXTREMISTS AL QUEDA, now that is wrong. This must be changed,
march on your government, demand the impeachment of President Barak Obama

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