Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The criminals are meeting to divide up the loot.Military Industrial Complex,,,,,Banking Industry,,,,,AMA,,,,rule this country!The United States has absolutely NO interests in Libya. Only Sheik Obama has interests there, that is to support his beloved Al Queda affiliated (according to the Pentagon and State Department) "rebels". Because of this - this "operation" has cost the US Taxpayers already $1 BILLION!The USA and NATO have used euphemism to deny a state of war against Gaddafi under the guise of a humanitarian mission. GAZA is under bombing from Israel now as we speak. Syria unrest, Libya unrest, Egypt revolution, Yemen uprising, Tunisia, Algeria, and Bahrain. People protesting, people dying in each of these countries! But it is in our interest only in Libya?

President OBAMA as people in each of the Countries mentioned again are dying, you sleep and take tours to Latin America in a JET. How long can we listen to lies, and assume all America s IGNORANT. What is the TRUE OBJECTIVE in Libya, the truth PLEASE and do not say "for the people of Libya." For which buddy or interest is it to make BILLIONS of dollars on the WAR? How long can we afford being on foreign soil, using the US Military like toy soldiers. Dropping bombs/ missiles at a US cost of $1.4 million per. This is not a game, these are real lives!!


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