Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just let Syria get itself some me oil like Libya and we will be "Johnny on the Spot"! No wonder the world hates America, the most hypocritical nation on earth. It's all about the money, nothing else. She's a prostitute who refused a medical examination? Sounds like government @#$% to me. Can't they come up with a better story? I think there's a good chance she's dead..Ok. A Libyan women gets raped and it makes world news. Meanwhile, women get raped daily in our own country and nobody cares!
Does this rape add justification for an invasion now? Our own government doesn't seem to do much for our own women here!Well the Gaddafi goons missed a golden oppertunity for positive publicity. They could have shown some compassion for this woman instead of attacking her in the hotel in front of the foreign media and subsequently trying to besmirch her in the local media. All they have succeeded in doing is abuse a brave lady and reinforce world sentiment that Gaddafi and his minions need to be removed from authority in Libya.She is a "prostitute"? so it's OK to rape her?? Can't name her attackers because it's not respectful?? should monsters like these be respected? what a messed up govt/country this is...

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