Thursday, March 3, 2011

Obama, get completely out of Iraq and Afghanistan, like you "promised" before you say a word about Libya.

If you interfere in Libya, you will certainly create another Afghanistan. You will soon be fighting these so-called freedom fighters who will set up an anti-US Islamic state as soon as they kill Gadhafi!Some hypocritical countries blamed the Libyan government and Gadhafi,they think he should give up,he should give in,how hypocritical you are!
The true reasons are that all these rebellions killed many people too when they want to get the control of Libya,so you mean, permiting these rebellions kill the people in the side of libyan government,but not permiting the people defend and protect their own government. how hypocritical you are!
Remember, things always have two sides! There are always two or more sides(groups) in a country,each group has its own demands! You are so naive!

U.S. said,Iraq is under the control of dictatorship,Iraq has WMD,so they wanted to save the world and save the Iraqis,and then they invaded and conquered Iraq. Now what happened in Iraq? Iraq is in a mess,Iraqis still kill each other,almost everyday the road bombs blast,suicide attackers with bombs blast.
U.S. said,Afghanistan offers bin Laden a safe hole,and protects him,so they wanted to save the world away from the terrorists,and then they invaded and conquered Afghanistan. Now what happened in Afghanistan? Afghanistan is in a mess, Afghanistanis still kill each other,bombs blast almost everyday.
By the way,by wikileak,we know U.S. troops shot innocent people in Iraq and bombed the civilian villages in Afghanistan.
Now,U.S. ,you tell me,what is the next? Now you guys want to save libyans again? Hi,give us a real break,ok?

The hypercritical Britain and U.S killed and killing many many Iraqis and Afghanistanis, the people of Britain and U.S. are brutal and ignorant,like animals,you guys are hypercrtical beasts,bas/tards.You bas/tards do a double standards to anything,you have no rights to judge other nation's domestic things.
To remember when your ancestors killed so many many native americans,and killed each other in your civil war! Years ago,you invaded Vietnam,killed many vietnamese people,and many was killed by Vietnamese defenses,and brutal Britain invaded and conquered India,killed many indians,so shame on you hypocrites!So stop blaming Libyan's domestic things,you all are same as Gadhafi,so stop acting as hypocrites. Enough! You think who you bas/tards are! Just bunches of losers! Just do your own business,,leave Libya alone,bas/tards Britain and U.S.
At last, Britain and U.S. should be charged as the crimes against humanity.
Someday,as an american,you would find that nowhere to go on this world,becuase everywhere,every people of the world hate you guys,if you guys come here and there,they will shoot you dead.
So let us bless great U.S.. Hop God bless you guys.

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