Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Obama states that the U.S. is in Libya for humanitarian oppositions! What about Gadhafis forces, are they not human as well??? It's OK to kill off Gadhafis forces but not the rebels, this makes no sense to me! The U.S. government twists things around only to go in their favor!!! WE THE PEOPLE, NOT YOU THE GOVERNMENT. GET IT RIGHT!!!So will we be getting rid of the dictators in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Russia , N. Korea & China as well. Oh I forgot, its only Kadaffi that's guilty of human rights violations. What a bunch of @#$%.Only 8 of the 20 Arab League nations are now supporting Obama. Obama's coalition is falling apart. NATO says now they can't take over. Obama says one thing, Clinton another, Gates something else, our militarity says yet another thing, UK says different, Sec. of UN Rice says another, NATO says something else, UN says another, and the Arab league can't believe a no fly zone is killing people. 55 million dollars a day and we don't know who the rebels are and some are Al Qaeda, over 200 missles, 400 bombing missoins by our airplanes alone and now sending in cobra helos, C-130 gunships to attack his hometown full of civilians, 'and we are not at war???


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