Only Democracy can attack stability and not be held accountable = Desertstorm & War of Terror !all politicians in washington need to be removed by any means possible.Leave them alone. An enemy of an enemy is a friend. We are not favorable around the world anymore since the las administration antagonized the Axis of Evil North Korea, Iran and now Chavez. Bullies eventually get theirs....Do not antagonize to provoke a war that you will not fight. That is a coward Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitcz.Benjamin Netanyahu has had ample time to size up our president. Their initial encounter in May 2009 reminded me very much of the disastrous meeting in Vienna between another young American president and Nikita Khrushchev in early June 1961. The Soviets took the measure of President John Kennedy, and one result was the Cuban missile crisis, bringing the world as close as it has ever come, before or since, to nuclear destruction.
The Israeli prime minister has found it possible to thumb his nose at Obama’s repeated pleas for a halt in construction of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied territories – without consequence. Moreover, Netanyahu has watched Obama cave in time after time – on domestic as well as international issues.
Netanyahu styles himself as sitting in the catbird’s seat of the relationship, largely because of the Likud Lobby’s unparalleled influence with U.S. lawmakers and opinion makers – not to mention the entrée the Israelis enjoy to the chief executive himself by having one of their staunchest allies, Rahm Emanuel, in position as White House chief of staff. In the intelligence business, we might call that an "agent of influence."
Emanuel’s father, Benjamin Emanuel, was born in Jerusalem and served in the Irgun, the pre-independence Zionist guerrilla organization. During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Rahm Emanuel, then in his early 30s, traveled to Israel as a civilian volunteer to work with the Israeli Defense Forces. He served in one of the IDF’s
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