Monday, March 28, 2011

Special Ops teams at The Department of Defense should hypnotize Hillary Clinton into thinking she's a pit bull dog and send her to Libya to bite Mr. Gadaffi's _ _ _ _ off.

...Oh wait. She doesn't need to be hypnotized at all. Just tell her that Jenifer Flowers lives in Gadaffi's pants with Monica Lewinski and Paula this mean that when the "civil" wars come to america..and they will...that we can expect foreign military to intervineObama is a lost cause. He is a liar, a killer and a fool. GITMO still open, adding prisoners and more troops for Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. Patriat Act renewed, assassinations globally, rendition in high gear. WOW. Now he starts Libya as a new war. End the Obama lies, toss him out.Obama gets campaign money from B.P. Obama is pretty laid back about Gulf of Mexico as long as possible. U.S. doesn't get oil from Libya...but B.P. does. U.S. bombs Libya in an undeclared act of war with no national security issues at stake. Hmmmm.When I read that the rebels were being urged to "drop" Gaddafi, I thought it meant "shoot him". Which they should do if they can get a bead on him...

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