Thursday, March 3, 2011

To all of you that want to send in the troops:
1) Where would the troops come from?
2) Why are troops re-deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan 2, 3, and even 4 times?
3) Why are troops from Iraq sent to Afghanistan instead of back to the USA?
Answer - The USA is fresh out of fresh troops.I didn't see any war ships when Israelis murdered 1400 in Gaza. Not a word when Israelis attacked and murdered unarmed men bringing medical supplies and food to Gaza--Zionist ponzi scheme unravelingBy reading most of the blogs, I noticed that these hatred, Muslim bashing blogs are most of the times exactly the same or similar in words. It seems like these massages were written by the same person or the same group of the people. This let me to believe that this is a sophisticated and organized attempted by Jew propaganda using this race card to manipulate American people for their self interest. Unfortunately, some exciting genuine American get socked in to participate in these hatred Muslim bashing propagandas. That way these bigots use any news to their self interest. Sadly, they are succeeding most of the time.

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