Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Yeah, what about that? And while you're at it, don't forget to mention how deeply divided Americans are about this, whether we should be exporting our values even if it's on the cheap. Feasibility is merely an excuse for opportunism, and it's questionable whether being an opportunist is really a key American value, as in "land of opportunity," really about reward for work. No, we don't need to bomb anyone because it's feasible. We go to war, or use force, because it is right to do so. So what about that?The fact is almost all EU countries except Germany, Switzerland, UK and the Nordic countries are broke. France started selling off its castles to service its debt. Just like an individual, if you have no money to pay your bills, your utilities get shut off and you cannot afford heating oil. Without this intervention in Libya and the seizing of its oil fields (basically source of almost free oil), the future looked bleak for Europe, especially France, in the short term. In the long term, it still looks bleak but at least now they can have some breathing room.

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