Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Brazil and S. Africa are both losing export earnings froma weak USD..The culprit is the to be garbage USD not RMB, as long as all trades are being transacted USD, those receiving USD countries will suffer loses..Russia and China are both avoiding USD for settlements..and both are in win-win state.Iraq's government is the product of American exported democracy! This government exercises democracy by killing political refugees!! It is clear what their understanding is from democracy. Sad thing is they did the killings of these refugees under the nose of nearly 150000 American troops who are there to establish democracy!!!Gaddafi must go, otherwise BP won't be able to take over Libya's oil production, since it won't be privatized with Gaddafi in power. Don't believe it? They already have almost a billion dollars worth of invenstment there, but aren't currently able to drill with 95% of production nationalized.

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