China is 4 times as large as United States. If you deal with the Chinese individually they are quite individualitic. So they would naturally have 4 imes the problems. The Western press only chose to report with bits and pieces of bad news. Because of lack of information except bad news, and with a little racism, Americans tend to generalize that about China. Lets put into the right perspectives. For instance one China earthquake killed 70,000 people, while Japan quake killed 13,000. There were plenty of stoicism and heroic deed but never reported in the West.
ReplyWe pick and choose which countries to attack on human rights abuses, without ever giving a thought to the abuses we commit. We should end the drug war, the patriot act, and get rid of government by the corporations for the corporations before we open our mouths, and to be sure that we complain equally when we do.
The problem in America is too many laws. It has been said before, too many laws lessen respect for the government. That is where our violence is born.
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