Thursday, April 14, 2011

I don't mind stories about the Holocaust, but what about the other people who died in WW2? One user even commented "I want my 6 million Jews back". Sorry to say but that is a classic Jewish answer forgetting the 4 MILLION others who died within the same system labeled as the "Holocaust". When the US was debating a bill to remember the Armenian Genocide by the Turks, I sent a letter to the Holocaust museum asking what they were doing to help that fight. Their answer, "We are only concerned about Jewish issues". I think if the Jews really want us all to remember the Holocaust then fight to help people NOW who are in similiar situations rather than just remember 60% of the victims of the Nazis. Also, what about the 30+ MILLION killed under Stalin? Can they get 5 minutes on a yahoo story or is that out of line?You have raised an important point. What about the Chinese who dies by the millions in Japanese torture camps similar to those in Germany and Poland. People don't even know about this. Yes, what about the other 4 million who are never heard about. No one hears about them, no one speaks for them. Only the Jews have a dedicated, organized machine to keep hounding the rest of the world that they were harmed. Yes, they are only concerned with what happened to them though millions of others suffered the same fate, at the same time, in the same places

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