Saturday, April 16, 2011

If the US cares so much about FREEDOM, about some, at home???.....for a CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did they pass the Patriot Act,

..................authorizing torture,

................negating the BILL OF RIGHTS,

.....................allowing GOVERNMENT to listen in on your private telephone conversations,

.....................turn on your cell phone mic, remotely

........and collect all your emails?

When they get the chip in your arm,

...............that RFID will tell them who you associate with

..............................................................and where you are, 24/7

Now, Hitler would have loved to have had such CONTROL

............and the Nazis who CONTROL the US today have

.........what Hitler never dreamed of

Are you aware that FEMA has over 1,600 CONCENTRATION CAMPS

.................and a list that YOU are on?

If you're on the yellow list, you might survive,

............................but you'll have to be retrained be a good SLAVE

If you're on the red list,'ll be sent immediately to the Denver Airport Underground Facility,

..........................where there is a gas chamber, like the Nazis used exterminate protestors and undesirables

That's the America we live in, today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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