Saturday, April 16, 2011

If you think this is about FREEDOM,


This is about CONTROL

CONTROL of the oil fields of Libya


Bleeding the American taxpayer so he's too poor to protest the NWOThe US GOVERNMENT, which owns the Puppet President and the cowardly CONGRESS

......will spend all your tax dollars to maintain CONTROL of the SLAVES

They own you and they prove it, each time they confiscate your wages from you paycheck

There is nothing in the CONSTITUTION which says that GOVERNMENT owns your labor or YOU

We have no dog in the fight, in Libya and we have no responaiblility there

There is no threat to America and we don't need a fourth conflict to pay for, because 44,000,000 Americans are now living on food stamps and we need to focus our resources on America, not Africa

Let Europe deal with this

35% of the oil is sold to Italy, anyway

Let Italy foot the bill in Libya

NATO is owned by the same CORRUPT individuals who own the UN and are behind depopulation of the world, so let's be honest about it

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