Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Irish are a strong and proud people, the British have exploited them for almost a thousand years. There no different than the Tibetans and the Palestinians, they fight for freedom!They sold their freedom to greed and the European banks. They failed again to govern themselves, They even have a pub in the Dail (parliament) so when they are arguing legislation they are well inebreated. I am Irish, and history is my hobby, the Irish have always been their own worst enemy. The flight of the Wild Geese was Irish Nobility giving up title to Irish land, in exchange for privilige in Catholic Kindoms.and abandoning the native peasants. Our present day Irish millionaires are taken up residence abroad to avoid their tax duty to the Irish nation. "millionaire exiles"Why are these parades allowed to continue? It's just more provocation from the prods. It's not "thuggery" when people are defending their neighborhoods against others who want to start trouble.
The young people should arm themselves properly. Forget about rocks and bottles. I'm sure the 'RA has SOME weapons SOMEWHERE. Go get them and defend your neighborhood. Force the lousy brits out! Ireland is for the Irish and no one else. Free Ireland! Down with the brits!

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