Sunday, April 10, 2011

The reporting by the "free" Western media cartel about the fighting in one sided and of appalling quality. It is a vivid reminder of a lieing Colin Powel waving a glass jar of corn starch in the UN claiming it was a sample of Saddams Antrax to justify the US aggression on Irak which killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. Regarding Libya, this "free" media is giving its support to a gang of armed civilian thugs with a sprinkling of army deserters. If the Nato stooges of the US are "protecting" civilians from Gadhafi's forces, then they are using their bombing to "protect" this gang of thugs. Without the thugs, there would be no war and the UN, this pathetic instrument for the benefit of US foreign aggression would have no reason to be concerned about civilian lives.

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