Monday, April 11, 2011

This could never be a war like Somalia. These people all have TV's and houses..they have lots to loose. In Somalia, they have nothing to loose. They fight to live and eat. Children fight...big big difference...Libyan battles are more like cat and mouse. They battle each other with no one wanting to get hurt.. Battles from a distance shooting at each other..definitely not organized and almost never up close and personal...Hugo chavez will be next because he has OIL. We need to start rounding up the Venezuelan people from now. It is just pure corruption because of big oil paying our politicians we just trump up some propaganda to invade sovereign nations and then lie to the people. I wonder what lie will we hear next on why we are going to bomb Venezuela. Maybe we will start with a no fly-zone and start bombing cars and hospital to save the people from their elected dictator. Maybe he have cocaine of mass destruction and we need Military intervention so we will install the gay CIA with high heels since we wont have any boots on the ground.U.N is no democracy with 5 members holding veto power. This veto power baloney must end as soon as possible else developing nations should leave U.N. Security council is now the exclusive blackmailing joint for the superpower.

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