Saturday, April 9, 2011

The whole of the middle east governments were one time client state of the USA and Europe.
Now they turned their backs on them and support the oppositions. Democracy is built on electing crooks to the seat of power. Look at all the crooks in congress, crooked business in wall street, crooked lawyers and accountants to protect them. Is that what we want to government us?coward could just hit small enough one .......Thats a easy one. We sold our soul to China. They hold our mortgage. No way we are going to piss them off. They would quit buying our debits.The U.S. government is afraid of China...As a foreigner who has lived and worked in China for over a decade and married into a Chinese family, I think I have a little more insite into what goes on in China than most.
I can tell you the vast majority of Chinese, including China's poor people, are fairly happy with their political system and government.
These people have seen phenomenal changes and improvements over the past 3 decades. They have good jobs, buy a house when they get married, buy cars and designer clothes, have home computers and internet, play the stock markets and generally have a greatly improved standard of living.
Very simply, peoples' lives have improved and show strong signs of continued openness of government and improvement of the economy and their personal wealth.
While it is easy for people to hold and voice strong opinions about China and her government, those opinions are usually crushed soon after they actually travel to China and get the biggest shock of their lives.
Democracy and apparent freedoms may, in the future, become an option although at this time, the people of China quite simply could not cope with the concept and it would be the demise of China's rising economic standard of living.
I fully expect a lot of thumbs down, insults and accusations about wu mao but that's ok with me... I have simply written my honest opinion based upon what I've actually seen and what my family has actually experienced.

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