Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why Did the Headline not read Christian Terrorist?Because when christians do it then it isn't really terrorism. It is an act by a lone person. You can bet if it had been a Muslim how the headlines and comments would be so different, with all of Islam being blamed.Irish Republican(Catholic Christian Terrorists) did this. Oh wait they..............Doesn't the article identify the possible perpetrators as a pro-British faction? I don't support the IRA, but I also don't think jumping to conclusions - as many posters are - is productive either.Sorry but where does it suggest Loyalist were to blame??...don't kid yourself just because the Police officer was Catholic that it wasn't the 'dissident Republican' scum terrorists...they are targeting Catholic Police officers, Soldiers, Prison Guards etc. as a warning to other Catholics not to join the security forces.

Time to get tough on the terrorists again I think!!!

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