Can you blame him,wasnt like we werent trying to kill him.If we would mind our own buisness,and our own problems,we would be far far better off,A trillion dollars,and riffly 5,000 solder's lost their lives,and hundreds of thousands of inocent civilians,our 1st 4th,5th amendments to our constitution trashed.Was it,is it worth it.for one man,we had cornerd to begin with.Had to make this war last,bankrupt multiple countrie's,tarrorize our populations,help the oil compannies,defence contractors,wepons manufacturers.put this country in a deep hole,so we begg the NWO to please save us please,ID rather starve to death,become a theif drug dealer.Gess I can Start Robbing the rich to get by because I cant find a reasonable job.yep this country is se great so free.You can protest as long as you pay for a permit,fish,drive a car,as long as you pay fees taxes yep we are the land of the free,NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS COUNTRY not evan the air you breath,have to pay for the EPA to.When Will The many stop being ruled by the rich fue.?When we stand up and stop it.
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