Saturday, July 16, 2011

Diamond scattered on street of same city where thousands of hungry indians used to sleep on footpath. what an irony and shame to india.
Israel is behind the Mumbai blasts. They are doing yet another false flag operation against the Indians to blame the Pakistanis. Seeing as how jews own the diamond industry like Debeers, etc. they are killing two birds with one stone here to get rid of their diamond competitors
Diamond and all other comodities are worth what one wishies to pay for it .the prices on comodties a determined by people who trade them and the demand of the people take oil if you new the true price from ground to refiner you would be shock
since it cost about 1/3 the price of todays market ...the rest is how the trader's inflate the price ..but hold on if you think this is bad .Its how we all make money we buy at a low price and try to sell at a high price Everyone does this including me and you ..its just how humans are .......

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