Saturday, July 16, 2011

I wonder how the Jewish controlled media will suppress this story. They want us to believe that only Christians are child molesters when in fact the Orthodox Jews have a far worse crisis- it is just handled privately "in house" more often.

2 RepliesTel Aviv is the sex slave capitol of the world with 400+ brothels. Some brothels are filled with kids as young as 12. When we hear about these Zionist-Christian Senators and Reverends going on tour to Israel, they are actually being escorted to these brothels, where they are blackmailed into giving Israel full support forever. These facts are documented in the book Mc Mafia by Misha Glenny who was featured on the Colbert Report.
You know, I've always figured that's how swein like Rush Limbaugh became devoted Zionists overnight. Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the info., Amy. Yes, I read that book too. The part about the Jewish mafia/MOSSAD/Banksters/Government joining forces to create a mega mafia was eye opening.

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