If 9/11 didnt happen, most, if not all forget how the economy was tanking anf how Bush was like a deer in the headlights when on camera. At work, many of us thought he was going to be the 1st president to quit... He was on vacation 40% of the time, when tax cut bill got through, market fell even further, he even had a fly flying around him on his national speech on stem cells, interviews on tv, he was standing in spots where you just seeing a shadow of him.... 9/11, he then flew around the country on airforce1, gave a terrible speech, then the next day gave a great speech and somehow turned into a new man until Katrina... He ran his elections on anti American democrats who voted against Iraq and also they were just weak on national defense. It was a great stategy that will always work with the uneducated. 60% of the country thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and today 35% still do ----Try asking that group who did the bailouts and if Obama was born in Kenya.We know the answer!!!
I hope he enjoys it. Some of those people would still be alive if Daddy didnt help Bin Laden become all he was. If GW would of not looked the other way when he was warned about it. Then he sat on his duff when he should of made some strong descisions instead of waiting for his VP to finally make them when the man himself should of could of but didnt. Stick up for him if you like but I cant stand to look at the drunk. When he went AWOL in the Guard he should of just kept on going....Yet people stick up for him. Hope they enjoy all he has done.. My pockets sure enjoy being empty thanks to all he has done..
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