Just for note, the Bible states:
- Prophet Abraham had 3 wives: (A) Hajra; (B) Sara; (C) Qatura Khatoon
[Genesis 16/4, 18/15, 25/10]
- Prophet Moses had 4 wives: (A) Safura Khatoon; (B) Jabshia; (C) daughter
of Qeeni; (D) daughter of Habab [Kazion 1/16; 4/16]
- Prophet David had 9 wives: (A) Akhomam; (B) Abi Jeeli; (C) Meekal bint
Saval; (D) Makka bint Talmi; (E) Hajeet; (F) Abi Taal; (G) Ajlab; (H) Bint
Sabaa; (I) Abi Shaag [Samuel 26/23, 18/27, 2 Samuel 3, 2 Samuel 11/3.26, 2
Samuel 20/30]
- Prophet Solomon had 1000 wives: [2 Samuel 5/13]
- At time of Prophet Jesus a man married 5 virgins [Matthew 25]
NB: While the Muslims may not accept the account of the Bible, the
Christians do. If any Christian then criticises polygamy, ask them to refer
to their own bible and see what their bible says about their Prophets.
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