Friday, July 1, 2011

This is the same organization that has destroyed the original video of the first lunar landing.

Not to mention that a private group has been able to save the original video that were taken by satellite of the lunar surface.
They had to acquire the original machines and cannibalize them to make one that would work so they could save the images from the film and digitize it.

That's the same organization, right?
Let's send the politicians and lawyers to the moon.... ALICE! (FIST)
Then the taxpayers can charge & tax them for the fuel. Reply.
Time for America to GROW UP and return to those days when men were men and had balls to do things like that. Today's leaders are self serving gutless $$%#$#%% and send our young men into plcaes they would fear to tread. Gutless lot. Rid government of all but the worthy before it is too late. Reply

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